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Thai on The UK High Street

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Tiien Thai Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott Hotel, 99-107 St Michael's Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5DU restaurant
55, Causewayside, Edinburgh, EH9 1QF massage
Thai Cafe, 489A Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol, BS31 3BA
Rosa's Thai Cafe, 15-17 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9DX cafe restaurant mobile_phones
Chada Thai Restaurant 2 Kings Road, Shalford, Surrey, GU4 8JU restaurant
Kwan Thai, 14-14A St Nicholas Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 1TJ restaurant
Rosa's Thai Cafe, Ground Floor, 6 Theberton Street, London, N1 0QX cafe restaurant
Rim Nom Thai Restaurant, Butlers Wharf, New Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8AF restaurant
Thai Marina, Barton Marina, Barton Turn, Barton under Needwood, DE13 8DZ restaurant
3 Station Parade, Balham High Road, London, SW12 9AZ bar

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