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TGI on The UK High Street

Local Results

Tgi Fridays, Wood Street, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 1TY restaurant
Tgi Fridays Kinsey Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 9JY restaurant
20 Entertainment Avenue, Greenwich, SE10 0DY restaurant
61 Friars Walk Shopping Centre, Usk Plaza, Newport, South Wales, NP20 1DS restaurant
113 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G1 3HF bar restaurant
26 Castle Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3HT restaurant
Esplanade, Sea Beach, Aberdeen, AB24 5NS restaurant
Unit 6 Crawley Leisure Park, London Road, Crawley, RH10 8LR restaurant
4 Newhall Walk, Sutton Trinity, Birmingham, Birmingham, B72 1RX restaurant
Caversham Road, Reading, RG1 8AJ restaurant

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