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Thank You Farmer on The UK High Street

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Jolly Farmer, High Street, Bramley, Guildford, GU5 0HB pub
Jolly Farmer Public House 28 Roman Road, Moulton Chapel, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 0XQ pub
Farmer Palmers Farm Park Wareham Road, Organford, Dorset, BH16 6EU amusement tourist_attraction
Farmer Parrs Animal World, Rossall Lane, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 8JP
Jolly Farmer, Church Road, Cookham Dean, Maidenhead, SL6 9PD pub
Jolly Farmer, Church Road, Cookham Dean, Maidenhead, SL6 9PD post_office
Windmill Restaurant, Asthall, Burford, Oxfordshire, OX18 4HJ pub restaurant
111, Portobello Road, Edinburgh, EH8 7BG car_repair
34 To 40 Hillhouse Road, Blackhall, Edinburgh, EH4 2AG car_repair
2, Rutherford Square, Livingston, EH54 9BU tyres

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